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SSE Thermal launches Community Investment Fund

23 Jul 2024

SSE Thermal has launched a Community Investment Fund which will support projects that benefit the communities, people and environment in the areas in which the company operates.

As the owner and operator of a fleet of flexible power stations and gas storage facilities, SSE Thermal has launched the fund at six of its sites across the UK and Ireland.

Community groups will be able to apply for a share of a £25,000 / €25,000 pot with applications now open for the first four locations:

Applications are welcomed from constituted groups, non-profit organisations and charities within the community, with the application window open until 23 August 2024. A group can apply for up to a maximum of £2,000 per application.

The fund is part of a wider community investment package at SSE Thermal’s operational assets and demonstrates the company’s commitment to the communities in which it develops, constructs and operates.

An independent decision-making panel, made up of representatives from SSE Thermal and the local community, is being established to ensure a transparent and robust decision making process.

Projects will be given priority for funding if they are in close proximity to the respective site, the number of the people that will benefit and if they fall into priority areas identified through consultation.

SSE Thermal carried out a six-week consultation within each area during spring 2024 which provided the opportunity for members of the community to help shape the plans.

Jayne Collings, Community Investment Manager for SSE Thermal, said: “Our focus with the Community Investment Fund is to support projects that can make a genuine difference to local people. That’s why our focus in the consultation stage was on speaking with members of the community to learn what issues mattered most to them, ensuring we could shape the Fund accordingly.

"We’re excited to now officially open the fund for applications and look forward to seeing the benefits that this investment can bring to the communities that we’re part of and the impact it can create for local people.”

To find out more, please visit