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Community drop in sessions held on 'Keadby 2' power plans

24 Sep 2014

Two public information drop-in sessions were held over the weekend (Friday and Saturday) to update local residents on plans for a second gas-fired power station at Keadby, near Scunthorpe. The project, known as ‘Keadby 2’, was originally given planning consent in 1993.

Around 50 local residents and stakeholders attended the sessions which were held at Ealand Victory Hall and St Oswalds Church Hall in Keadby. Information on display included updated plans for the consented 710MW combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) station as well as the proposed construction traffic route which will utilise the recently constructed North Pilfrey Bridge in order to avoid local villages.

Alasdair MacSween, Head of Gas Developments for SSE said:

“We are delighted with the level of engagement at the events. As a responsible developer SSE is keen to engage with the local community and welcomes the opportunity to answer any questions people may have. The feedback gained showed positive support for the project and gave SSE team members direct access to local opinion.”

SSE plans to submit updated drawings to North Lincolnshire Council later this year. Following this an investment decision will be required ahead of any construction commencing.

Jade Fearon, Community Liaison Manager for SSE added:

“As the locally based representative for the project I am keen that communications between SSE and the local community are kept as active as possible. Should any plans be progressed for the Keadby 2 project there will be regular communications issued in the local area. In the meantime I would encourage anybody to contact me with questions they may have. The project website will also be updated regularly.”